10T - Night Vision Wiki (2024)



Operating Manual

1 Description and operation6
1.1 Description and operation of the product6
1.1.1 Purpose of the product6
1.1.2 Specifications7
1.1.3 Product composition9
1.1.4 Design and operation of the product10
1.1.5 Measuring instruments, tools and accessories16
1.1.6 Marking and sealing17
1.1.7 Packaging18
1.2 Description and operation of the component parts of the product21
1.2.1 Pseudo-binocular ONA21
1.2.2 Headband24
1.2.3 Drying cartridge24
1.2.4 Nozzle27
1.2.5 Low-voltage voltage converter27
1.2.6 Transfer device32
1.2.7 Cable34
1.2.8 Adapter34
1.2.9 Charger34
1.2.10 Napkin41
1.2.11 Case41
1.2.12 Bag43
1.2.13 Case43
1.2.14 Marking and sealing of components43
2 Intended use4
2.1 Operating restrictions47
2.2 Preparing the product for use48
2.2.1 Safety precautions when preparing the product48
2.2.2 Scope and sequence of external inspection of the product49
2.2.3 Preparing the product for use when powered by independent power source50
2.2.4 Preparing to work with the product from the on-board network53
2.2.5 Preparing the product for operation with an adapter device54
2.2.6 Preparation for operation of the product with a nozzle when powered by autonomous power supply55
2.2.7 Instructions for switching on and testing the operation of the product55
2.2.8 List of possible malfunctions of the product in the process fits preparation and recommendations on actions in case of their occurrence56
2.3 Using the product59
2.3.1 The procedure for operating personnel when performing the tasks of using the product59
2.3.2 Product health check59
2.3.3 List of possible faults in the process use of the product for its intended purpose and recommendations for actions when they occur60
2.3.4 List of product operation modes63
2.3.5 Safety precautions when using the product according to Appointment64
2.4 Dealing with emergencies 264
3 Maintenance65
3.1 Maintenance of the product and its components 6565
3.1.1 General instructions65
3.1.2 Security measures65
3.1.3 Product maintenance procedure66
3.1.4 Checking the functionality of the product70
3.1.5 Technical examination71
3.1.6 Preservation (re-preservation, re-preservation)71
4 Maintenance73
5 Storage Christmas74
6 Transportation76
7 Disposal77
Appendix A Battery Charging Instructions78
Appendix B List of illustrations84
Appendix to the List of accepted abbreviations85
Annex E Reference regulatory documents86
Change registration sheet87
The user manual for the product PNV-10T is intended for studying the product, its correct operation and full use of its technical capabilities. It contains a description of the design of the product and the principle of its operation, technical specifications and other information necessary to ensure the full use of the technical capabilities of the product and keep it in constant readiness.

There are no special requirements for the level of training of service personnel.


1.1 Description and operation of the product

1.1.1 Purpose of the product The product PNV-10T, which is a device for night

observation of the driver, is intended for the crew of armored vehicles to perform control inspection and daily maintenance of equipment at night, driving it in the position of the driver "in the stowed position", observing objects on the ground, as well as reading textual material and working with topographic maps. When working with text documents and topographic maps, as well as when carrying out repair and engineering work in conditions where the illumination is insufficient for working in the passive mode, the product provides for the use of a built-in IR illumination source. The product operates in the temperature range from minus 50 low to plus 50°C is recommended to prolong the time of continuous temperatures.

operation from autonomous power supply at source using the UE, which is part of the product kit. The product is powered from an autonomous power source:

two batteries NMGTS-0.9 TU 3482-003-07626895-2001 (hereinafter referred to as the battery), or similar or two duplicate cells, size AA R6 1.5V, for example, A316 TU16.729.125-78 (hereinafter referred to as the battery) placed directly in the case of night glasses or V UE, as well as from the on-board network of the vehicle through the PNN fusing, if Their cable, adapter OR necessary, a serial connection). For observation of terrain remote objects, the use of a removable telescopic nozzle included in the product kit is provided.

1.1.2 Specifications Specifications are shown in Table 1.

Table 1
Name of technical data and


Rated ValuePermissible valueMeasuring tool
Night glassesNight glasses with nozzleNight glassesNight glasses with nozzle
1 Identification range for human at EHO=(5‡2) x 103 lux in normalized X according

GOST R50772-95 conditions, m, not less



marked track*

2 Field of view angle, degree37-408-10UKNP-1
3 Product magnification, times1.02.50.9-1.02.3-2.7UKNP-1
4 Diopter aiming limits, diopter±5±5UKNP-1
5 Eye base adjustment, mm, within58-7258-72Calipers
6 Focusing the lens for sharpness in range, m0.25-∞10-∞UKNP-1
7 Electrical power supply of the product
- from an independent power source (two batteries ), V, within2.2-3.22.2-3.2Voltmeter B7-22A
- through a low-voltage voltage converter from the onboard DC network, voltage, V, within22-29




Voltmeter B7-22A
Table 1 continued
Name of technical data and characteristicsRated valuePermissible valuemeasuring tool
night glassesnight glasses with nozzlenight glassesnight glasses with nozzle
8 Product operation time before the replacement of the power source (two batteries)(without illuminator):watch*
at positive temperatures up to 50°C, h, not less1818
at negative temperatures up to minus 50°C, h, not less44
9 Overall dimensions of the product, mm, not more217x185x105265x158x105
10 Product weight, kg:Scales


in working position0.981.3
in a bag1.51.8
in a case6.06.5

* - It is allowed to use non-standardized measuring instruments Compound product must correspond specified table 2 and shown in figure 1
Table 2
Assembly units of the product


ARUK.203128.001Pseudo binocular1APIOK. 305152.001
ARUK.301547.005Headband1APIOK. 305152.001
Spare Parts
ARUK. 297376.001Drying cartridge1APIOK. 322443.001
Replacement Parts Kit
ARUK. 202388.001Nozzle1APIOK. 305152.001
Tool Kit And Accessories
ARUC. 434746.001Voltage converter

low voltage

1APIOK. 321226.007
ARUK. 302638.001Transitional device1APIOK. 321226.007
ARUC. 685691.001Cable1APIOK. 321226.007
ARUC. 302638.002Adapter1APIOK. 321226.007
Charger 11APIOK. 321226.007
ARUC. 741121.013Napkin3APIOK. 322443.001
Accumulator ( recharging battery) NMGTS-0.9

TY 3482-003-07626895-2001 2

6APIOK. 322443.001
2 Element A316 TU16.729.125-78

or similar size

4APIOK. 322443.001
Continuation of table 2
Styling kit
ARUC. 321226.007Case1APIOK. 321226.009
ARUC. 305152.001Bag1APIOK. 321226.007
ARUC. 322443.001Case1APIOK. 321226.007
Product packaging PNV-10T
ARUC. 321226.009Box1
  1. The product can be equipped with one of two types of chargers: charger AL5.121.161 (UZ) or unified onboard charger-discharge device KEUYu.563541.001 (UZR-UB).
  2. It is allowed to replace the NMGZ-0.9 battery TU 3482-003-07626895-2001 with the NMGGZ-1.5 battery (C) TU 3482-057-20503890-2004, IKFA.563342.002-03 or NMGTS-1.5 (1975) TU V 3482-034-20503890-2000.
  3. At the request of the customer, it is allowed to lay the product kit PNV-10T in two cases of ARYUK. 321226.014 instead of one case ARYUK.321226.007.

1.1.4 Design and operation of the product The PNV-10T product is a passive night observation device with a built-in IR illumination source (illuminator), built according to a pseudo-binocular scheme: with one objective, one image intensifier tube and image distribution from the image intensifier tube screen to two eyes of the observer using an eyepiece made in the form of a compact binocular microscope, consisting of a collimator lens, a separating prism and two identical telescopic systems.

The principle of operation of the night device is based on the enhancement of brightness and the transformation of the spectral composition of the image of the observed objects using a small-sized biplanar FOD.

The block diagram of the PNV-10T product is shown in Figure 2.

1 - pseudobinocular; 2 - headband; 3 - nozzle;

4 - drying cartridge; 5 - recharging battery; 6 - cable;

7 - low-voltage voltage converter;

8 - adapter; 9 - charger (a - UZ, b - UZR-UB);

10 - transitional device; 11- napkin; 12 - battery;

13 - case; 14 - bag; 15 - case; 16 - product packaging PNV-10T

Figure 1 - Composition of the product PNV-10T

in Chart:

Arrow pointing towards 12: Rays off objects and terrain

Arrow pointing towards 11: From board networks

Square containing 2 & 6: Image Intensifier

Square containing 3, 4 & 5: Eyepiece

1 - lens; 2 - image intensifier tube (vacuum block of the product EPM-53G-V);

3 - collimator lens (magnifier); 4 separating prism;

5 - telescopic system; 6 - VIP; 7 - autonomous power supply;

8 - UE; 9 - PNN: 10 - cable; 11 - adapter; 12 - nozzle (removable)

2 - Structural diagram of the item PNV-10T

1.4.2 Lens 1 forms an image of objects and terrain on photocathode of image intensifier tube 2. Enhanced in brightness and transformed in spectral composition, this image is reproduced on the screen of the image intensifier tube and viewed by the observer through the eyepiece of the product using a magnifying glass 3, a separating prism 4 and two telescopic systems 5, which can be shifted relative to the prism or moved apart depending on the size of the eve observer base. The design of the EPM-53G-V product includes a vacuum unit and VIP 6, which has a screen AFC device (depending on the illumination on the ground) and an image intensifier tube protection circuit from light overloads. To ensure the operation of the VIP and the illuminator, an autonomous Power Source 7 or the on-board network of the vehicle is used. When the product is autonomously powered, batteries

are placed in a special compartment in the body of the pseudobinocular or in UP 8, which is recommended for use at low temperatures to increase the operating time of the product without replacing power supplies. When the product is powered from the on-board network through PNN 9, if necessary, cable 10, adapter 11, or a combination thereof can be used. The general view of the product PNV-10T shown in FIGURE 3. Structurally, the product is made in the form of a pseudo-binocular 1, which is attached to the observer's head using a headband 2. The product has three manual adjustments:

- focusing the lens 3 on the sharpness of the image formed on the photocathode of the image intensifier tube;

- diopter setting of the eyepiece 4 on the sharpness of the image observed on the image intensifier tube screen;

- adiustment of the eyepiece (output observer's eyes. telescopic components systems) according to the base of the Focusing of the lens is carried out due to its movement along the optical axis as the lens barrel rotates. Diopter adjustment of the eyepiece is carried out simultaneously for two eyes by moving the lens along with the image intensifier tube along the optical axis and is provided by rotating the body 5. The adjustment of the eyepiece along the base of the and is provided by eyes is carried outby the parallel path of the beams of the moving B in the direction from the separating systems B to it prism or by turning the knob 6 in accordance with Figure 3. Mount mechanism 7, which is part of the headband 2, provides the

1 - pseudobinocular; 2 - headband; 3 - lens;

4 - eyepiece; 5 - body; 6 - handle; 7 - fastening mechanism;

8 - reclining button; 9 - fixation handle;

10 - quick release button; 11 - guide;

12 - lens; 13 - drying cartridge; 14 - cover;

Figure 3 - Product PNV-10T

the possibility of installing a pseudobinocular in the working and non-working (folded up) positions;
  • the possibility of prompt removal of the pseudobinocular from the headband;
  • the ability to adjust the removal of the operator's from the eyes pseudobinocular in the range from 10 to 15 mm from the eyes Bringing the pseudobinocular into the working position from the non-working (traveling) and back is carried out by pressing the button folding 8. Installation of the pseudobinocular on the headband and removal 10 from it is carried out using the fixation handle 9 and the quick release button. Moving the pseudobinocular 1 along the guide 11 of the fastening mechanism 2 allows choosing the most convenient position of the eyepieces relative to the operator's eyes. To work with documents, topographic maps, as well as when carrying out engineering and repair work when the illumination is insufficient for working in the passive mode, or in complete darkness, it is allowed to use an illuminator, the light flux of which in the IR region of the spectrum is directed to the object under Enemie through a lens that simultaneously 12 performs the function of a protective glass of the illuminator. The design of the product provides for the use of a removable nozzle 3 in accordance with Figure 1, included in the set of interchangeable parts of the product, attached to the lens 3 in accordance with Figure 3 to increase its focal length when observing distant objects on the ground. The moisture protection of the internal cavity of the pseudobinocular, together with the ring seals and protective glasses glued into the eyepiece body, is provided by the drying cartridge 13 according to pattern 3. To protect the lens of the product from glare (protection of the

image intensifier tube) and mechanical damage, there is a cover 14, which is put on the lens frame. The hole in the lid provides an opportunity to check the performance of the product under normal (daylight) illumination. The Product Kit includes a charger 9 in accordance with Figure 1, which is used to recharge the batteries. The product can be equipped with one of two types of chargers: charger AL5.121.161 (UZ), marked with the letter a in Figure 1, or a unified on-board charger-discharge device KEUYU.563541.001 (UZR-UB), marked with the letter b. When carrying and transporting the product kit, it is placed in a case 13 in accordance with Figure 1. For transportation of the product, the package (box) of the product PNV-10T 16, Figure 1 is used to transport the product In accordance with in the kit. Materials, galvanic and paint coatings of the PNV-10T product provide protection for the external surfaces of the product and its accessories when treated with working solutions.

1.1.4. 12 The operational documentation for the product PNV-10T includes:

  • this operating manual ARUK.201211.005 RE;
  • Form ARUK.201211.005 FO.

1.1.5 Measuring instruments, tools and accessories Verification of the technical characteristics given in 1 not produced during operation T.K. requires application the special measuring equipment (settings UKNP-1), table missing from the operating parts.

Instead of checking Characteristics held examination the performance of the product in accordance with Table 6 of Section 3.1.4. When carrying out maintenance (with the exception of TO 2), spare parts and accessories from the composition of a single SPTA are used.

The use of special tools and measuring instruments is not required. When carrying out maintenance 2 and current repairs, a group spare parts and accessories kit is used, supplied separately from the product by special order, which includes the necessary special tool for disassembling and assembling the product. The composition of the group SPTA is determined by the passport group SPTA.

To carry out adjustment and adjustment of product after the assembly, special measuring equipment is required (UKNP-1 installation).

1.1.6 Marking and sealing Below on the left side of the body of the pseudobinocular there is a symbol of the product, and under the symbol of the product is the serial number of the product. A symbol is applied on the cover of the product case product and serial number. Main and additional handling signs are marked on the walls of the box. The case of the product is sealed with two lead seals using wire.

The place of sealing is the locks of the case. The seal is a cylinder with a diameter of 10 mm and a height of 5 mm with two through grooves 2x2 mm in size and a platform 5×6 mm deepened by 3.5 mm. The box with the case of the product is sealed with two fillings, the seals specified in clause

The place of sealing is the corresponding hole in the lid of the box.

1.1.7 Packaging The packaging of the product PNV-10T is a wooden box 16 in accordance with Figure 1, a general view of which is shown in Figure 4, designed to transport the product by any means of transport.

Packing is made in boxes 1, produced for one or two products, placed one or two cases. On the walls of the packaging of the PNV-10T product, GOST 14192-96 is marked with "TOP DON'T TILT", "AVOID DAMP", "AVOID HEATING",

"CAUTION, FRAGILE" and information inscriptions "GROSS WEIGHT", "NET WEIGHT", "PNV-10T". The inscriptions are applied with black indelible paint. Packing is carried out in the following sequence Delivery set in product is placed in a case in accordance with Figure 16.

The product PNV-10T and the nozzle are placed in a bag 14 in accordance with figure 1.

Batteries 6 pcs, batteries 4 pcs, dryer cartridge 1 pc. and napkins 3 pcs. fit into a cloth case 15 in accordance with Figure 1.

A bag, a cloth case, a cable with an adapter, a PNN, a charger, a UE are placed in the corresponding sockets of the case. put the instruction manual, form and packing list into the case. A case or two cases with a set of products, each separately, soldered in polyethylene, putting a bag with silica gel in a bag with a case, and put it in the packaging of the product PNV-10T (box), sealing

Top left: PNV-10T pcs / GROSS kg / NET kg

Top right: Packing list

Bottom left: Don't tilt!

1 - box

Figure 4 - Product packaging PNV-10T

10T - Night Vision Wiki (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.